D Nature Organic


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Health Benefits:

  • Treatment and Management of Hyperglycemia (Diabetes Myellitus)
  • Impaired glucose tolerance (pre diabetes) and hypoglycemia
  • Improves insulin production from the pancreas
  • Rejuvenates the Pancreas
  • Treats Insomnia and Nervous Tension
    Help in the treatment of Hypoglycemis.
  • What’s the connection between Diabetes and Stroke?
  • Diabetes can increase your risk for many health conditions, including stroke.
  • People with diabetes are twice as likely to have a stroke as people without diabetes, according to the American Stroke Association (ASA).
  • They’re also more likely to have a stroke at an earlier age, and the outcome may be worse.
  • If you have prediabetes, you already have a higher risk of heart disease and stroke than people without diabetes.

Causes of a Stroke

  • Diabetes affects the body’s ability to create insulin or use it properly.
  • Since insulin plays an important role in pulling glucose into cells from the bloodstream, people with diabetes often have too much sugar in their blood.
  • Over time, this excess sugar can contribute to the buildup of clots or fat deposits inside vessels that supply blood to the neck and brain (if not treated).

This process is known as ATHEROSCLEROSIS.

If these deposits grow, they can cause a narrowing of the blood vessel wall or even a complete blockage.

Any interruption to the blood supply in the brain will stop blood and oxygen from reaching brain cells.

This can lead to a stroke.

Without rapid treatment, a stroke can result in permanent cell damage or death.

  • A stroke can also result if bleeding occurs in the brain.
  • The main types of stroke are:
  • 🇦🇸Ischemic stroke
  • 🇦🇸Hemorrhagic stroke

1️⃣ Ischemic stroke

  • Ischemic stroke is the most common type of stroke. It occurs when an artery that supplies oxygen-rich blood to the brain is blocked, most often by a blood clot.
  • About 87% of strokes are ischemic strokes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

2️⃣ Hemorrhagic stroke

  • Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when an artery in the brain leaks blood or ruptures.
  • Around 10% to 20% of strokes are hemorrhagic strokes.
  • The risk of severe complications or death is higher than with an ischemic stroke.
  • People with diabetes have a higher risk of small bleeds in the brain, known as CEREBRAL MICROBLEEDS.

Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

A TIA is sometimes called a ministroke because the blood flow to the brain is blocked for a shorter amount of time and doesn’t result in permanent neurological injury. A TIA is a type of ischemic stroke. It may last from a minute to several hours — until the clogged artery reopens on its own. People often refer to a TIA as a “warning stroke.”

Around 15% of people who have a stroke have previously had a TIA. If you think someone has had or is having such health issues, our Organic Products are here to do justice and also followed by the food intake.

D NATURE Organic 3×3
Ebos Bitter Cleanser..1/2 glass × 2
St Nature 2×3
Bwk…1 cap × 3 10 minutes before food with lookwarm water
the sugar level after one week, reduce to 2×2

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Key Ingredients

  • Allium Sativum
  • HunteriaUmbellata
  • ZingiberOfficinale
  • AzadirachtaIndica
  • Vernonia amygdaline
  • Garcinia kola
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